Selasa, 20 Desember 2011
Minggu, 18 Desember 2011
miss my grandpa TT.TT
hi bloggie..
feel so sad right now, i miss my grandpa actually *sobs*
i miss him a lot :( i want to hug him once, but it's already too late~ i miss my grandpa
hope you have a peacefully life, i know that you're fine there, :') hope you happy there with grandma ^^ thankyou for the memories u,u ^^
Diposting oleh ░▒▓█ ♡Hana-chan♡ █▓▒░ di 22.50 0 komentar
NYAAAA~ I miss you bloggie and bloggers especially ;;) and finally back to you alright^^ and i don't go to school today^^ too lazy! and it sucks that the school information we are going to study like normal again is still not confirmed >____< well yeaa, and i got a stomachache so, thats why i don't go to school today :p if today my friends who go to school today said that we study like normal so tomorrow i will go to school, but if it's not, i'm not going duuh! :PPP
hmm what should i talk about for this post? hmmm~ i guess about my trip to Pekanbaru alright? well it's definitely normal, and boring too, because i already go there for many times >.< but i bought a new shirt! and it's really fashionable! XDD with orange colour! :3 hihihi :)) and i will wear it when in the right time ;;) and i'm hungry right now u,u need food @.@
and guys, how we can put a music player widget/gadget to our blog? i wanna put it, but i don't know how -_______- please help me, if you know, comment this :)
Diposting oleh ░▒▓█ ♡Hana-chan♡ █▓▒░ di 16.51 0 komentar
Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
Good Morning! XDD
Hello my dear bloggie! XDD
Good morning^^ *yawn* lol
i woke up just now ;;) what are you doing now bloggers? still a sleep? :P LMAOO
Let's start a new day with a bright smile okay? and just think this day like this "i can do this, today will be a great day, it's your day" :)
and i go to Pekanbaru later, it's a town actually ;) from today until tomorrow (Sunday), and i will be back in Sunday Afternoon, maybe on 3p.m here (Jakarta time) :]
wish me save in the trip okay? ^_^
don't miss me okay? lol
Happy Saturday, and have a nice day ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Diposting oleh ░▒▓█ ♡Hana-chan♡ █▓▒░ di 14.09 0 komentar
blush ^^
omggg today was *blush* i can't take it, hwaaaaaaa~~~ x3
it's really sweet, and his bubbly is back :D yayy :DD
chat with him today was a most cute memorable thing i ever had! XDD
this special word from him ::
haha you are beautiful, of course.
Beauty comes from the heart after all
and I'm sure you have a beautiful heart ^^
and oh, yes, you're welcome ^
* ^^
thanks for the memories as well
actually we made memories together
i will never forget these special words! and thanks for chat with me this night kim oppa, ahh or i can say cookie-ya! / kim-ya/ kimmi-ya/seoungie-ya! lol (bad dongsaeng) great memories as well^^*^^
i reall want this happen to me & him ^^
Diposting oleh ░▒▓█ ♡Hana-chan♡ █▓▒░ di 06.44 0 komentar
Kamis, 15 Desember 2011
i guess maybe some of you don't know orange marmalade :) it's a anime XDD i think it's a korean anime, because the author name is a korean name, and the character name is also a korean name
i'm really addicted to this anime webtoon! XDD
the girl name is Baek Mari, she's a vampire who lives with her parents& one little brother (Baek Joseph) in some town. Her Family & She lives like normal human, no one know that they're human. One day, Mari ask her aunty what's human blood taste. Her Family never taste a human blood before, they just eat pig blood, animals blood. Her aunty said that she never taste a human blood before, but she said that once you eat human blood, you can't control it like addicted to drugs. ( i think i just tell a part of the story, lol =] ))
Jung Jaemin, a popular boy in Mari's school. He met Mari at a train, when Mari accidently bite his neck when she is in sleep. He thought that Mari is a weird girl, but when time passed by, he realize that he likes Mari. Mari always cover her nose with her hand when Jaemin is near her.
there will be more character, like Mari's aunty, Mari's family, Jaemin's mom, etc. The story still on going, the latest is chapter 42! XD and i need the update so bad >.....< chapter 43! COME ON! D:
here some photo from the story :)
What will happen to a female vampire trying to live a normal school life when she meets the most popular boy in school and nips his neck? (from
The story of a female vampire trying to live a normal school life, but what will happen when she bites the school's most popular boy? (from
Diposting oleh ░▒▓█ ♡Hana-chan♡ █▓▒░ di 23.01 0 komentar
It's me =_= :p
Hi again bloggies xD
i just post my pic =.= lol
Diposting oleh ░▒▓█ ♡Hana-chan♡ █▓▒░ di 22.31 0 komentar
Cute~ x3
I'm back again :3 i just want posting some cute pics :) hope you like^^ xD
Diposting oleh ░▒▓█ ♡Hana-chan♡ █▓▒░ di 21.46 0 komentar
Hi Guys! X3 second post~~ xD
waaaa~ hello again bloggies ;;)
it's friday! xD and tomorrow i'll go to Pekanbaru as well with my family, but it sucks that on Monday my school will study like normal again, go home by 2! and there willl be homework?! NOOOOO!! i don't wanna school, i'm really lazy.. =_______=
beside, everyone want to celebrate Christmas as well, even though i'm not celebrate it, but it's lucky for me too because of Christmas we are not schooling :p
WHAT DA HELL MY SCHOOL -_____- we already done with our exam, don't beg us to study again, we need to rest our brain from books as well, DX
oh well, that's life of student :p
well today, nothing much to do, just update this bloggie ;3 and my tumblr of course, if you want to visit my tumblr, here is the link-> Follow me okay? and also follow my twitter, i'm always online in Twitter (Twitter maniac! LMAOOO) -> xD
and i have googlesites too, but i'm not really update there :3 yesterday was so boring, i mean i just hangout in my house, and yesterday supposed to be my dance cover group rehearsal, but yeaaa they can't cuz of their bussiness! (don't care laaa~ XP) and i really hard to memorize the steps of MBLAQ Y, omgg i really love the steps, even though it's not new song at all, but yet i'm still love it! I ❤ DANCE!
yesterday i chatted with my ex bf (i still can't forget him) and his sister (my bestfriend ) they both from Korea as well ^^ aaah really miss them, such a great memorize when i was in Junior High School, i'm still childish, but maybe for now, i'm more fussy! XDD lmaoooo ROFL i mean i tell her that i still can't forget even though he told me to forget him last time, i was hurt and heartbroken at that time T^T but i really want get back with him, but i'm too affraid that "last time memories" will happen, i already try to forget him, but still that makes me stressfull and feel hurt cuz i can't forget him T_T *sigh okay hana, just take a deep breath, you will fine^^;;
Today i kinda not really want to search about KPOP right now, i'm addicted to Kawaii/cute stuff and fashion^^ :3 and i'm confused to pick my blog's background/theme, waaa so many that's cute/emo! lol =)) ^^ and i search some ulzzang pics yesterday xD no.1 ulzzang for me--> *drumroll* LEE CHIHOON <333 he has a perfect face! x3 for couple i love Park Jiho & Ryu Hye Ju, they're just sooo cuteeeeeee :333 and for ulzzang girl -> Mikki :D and now i just visited her website =3= i love her fashion! her "bubble" mouth expression :]
i guess that's for today ;;) haha xD bbyong~ :3
Diposting oleh ░▒▓█ ♡Hana-chan♡ █▓▒░ di 19.46 0 komentar
Rabu, 14 Desember 2011
First Post (~^.^)~
Hello there bloggers ♥(>̯┌┐<)•°
it's not my first time here :3 my first blog is abandoned ._. //kicked lol =))
so, maybe i'll use my second blog instead :) and you will ask me who am i right?
Name: Hana Putri Fadhilah
Birth/Born day: November 21st, 1996
Nationality: Indonesia^^
©Original and Official®
Diposting oleh ░▒▓█ ♡Hana-chan♡ █▓▒░ di 19.27 0 komentar