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Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Braces off! XDD

mood: normal ;)
listening: Telephone - Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce :3

hey there bloggers ;;)
just came up and want to tell you something ^^
i just went to dentist and my braces already removed or came out lol :))
i realize that my teeth is REALLY small :p LOL
i look the 2nd version of me, it's not like me.. maybe because i just used to braces :p
but yeaah i like it, i look awesome (maybe.. ^_^) and i can eat all i want without hurting my teeth yayyy! XDD
this is me (without braces)

i look messy lol :)) but look at my teeth, ;;) nice right? LOL
okay that's for this posting :3

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