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Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Finally, School's over!!

Hey guys!  
Guess what? School’s holiday comes! Yess! xD
I mean like school in Ramadan was tiring you know?-_-
I was glad that school’s finally over..

So, My family and I planned to go to my hometown, that’s Padang, West Sumatera (Indonesia)
I can’t wait to go there.. I miss my beloved cousin, Ika.. She’s like my real sister! ^__^
But I guess I have to bring some my school’s book since there’s some test after lebaran when school starts again :?
Wish me luck then? ;)
Oh! I just hoped I get much money from my parents.. I need it to buy a new novel from author Orizuka and lia indra andriana..
I mean  like With you, After School Club (Orizuka) already released! XOXO
And  on September, Seoul Cinderella novel  with new cover and revision  edition by Lia indra andriana will be release! OMGG I MUST BUY IT!!!

And I’m working out for a song (still secret), hope that will be finish early, amin ^o^
There’s so many that I want to do :p but don’t know where to start

Okay, that’s it.. J see ya {}

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